LegisInfo: Where'd the RSS go?

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LegisInfo: Where'd the RSS go?

Jennifer Bell
I remember that LegisInfo, the official site for parliamentary bills:


used to be covered with little orange XML buttons for RSS feeds.  The buttons have now disappeared, though you can still see reference to them in the site help:


Does anyone have any information on this?  I'm annoyed as I was just putting together a blog post on Canadian political APIs, and it's sad that one might have gone away.

I've been clicking on the site for ages, and can't find the feeds, if they're still there.


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Re: LegisInfo: Where'd the RSS go?

Cory Horner
On 6-Jan-09, at 11:53 AM, Jennifer Bell wrote:

> I remember that LegisInfo, the official site for parliamentary bills:
> http://www.parl.gc.ca/LEGISINFO/index.asp?Language=E
> used to be covered with little orange XML buttons for RSS feeds.  
> The buttons have now disappeared, though you can still see reference  
> to them in the site help:
> http://www.parl.gc.ca/LEGISINFO/index.asp?Language=E&List=rss
> Does anyone have any information on this?  I'm annoyed as I was just  
> putting together a blog post on Canadian political APIs, and it's  
> sad that one might have gone away.
> I've been clicking on the site for ages, and can't find the feeds,  
> if they're still there.

The buttons are gone, but this is typical behaviour when a session  
ends and is no longer updated.

You can always craft your own url to access previous sessions:

