The 2017 Open Cities Index Survey has officially launched!
What is the Open Cities Index?
The Open Cities Index serves as a supplementary guide for Canadian cities looking to initiate or advance their open data programs, while effectively ranking their open data initiative against other municipalities across the country.
Since 2015, PSD and ODX have worked with participating Canadian municipalities and the private sector to improve the standardization of municipal open data benchmarking, as well as facilitate national discussion around emerging trends and challenges within municipal open data.
What's new in 2017?
In order to provide municipalities with even greater insight into the relative progress of their open data initiatives, several changes were made between the 2016 and 2017 iterations of the Open Cities Index. Click here to be directed to the Methodology for the 2017 OCI, including full scoring and a list of newly added datasets.
Please encourage your respective municipalities to participate in the 2017 Open Cities Index survey in-take by contacting us here.
Tyler Sutton Editor-in-Chief
Public Sector Digest
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