Does anyone have any insight as to why the Justice dept has a single
law excluded in its robots.txt file?
> User-agent: *
> Disallow: /Search/
> Disallow: /Recherche/
> Disallow: /en/C.R.C.-c.1487/
> Disallow: /fr/C.R.C.-ch.1487/
> Disallow: /eng/C.R.C.-c.1487/
> Disallow: /fra/C.R.C.-ch.1487/
> Disallow: /en/c.r.c.-c.1487/
> Disallow: /fr/c.r.c.-ch.1487/
> Disallow: /eng/c.r.c.-c.1487/
> Disallow: /fra/c.r.c.-ch.1487/
> Allow: /
[For those less technical, this file exists on almost all web sites
and indicates to web search engines which pages they are allowed
and/or not allowed to index. By indicating a directory is "Disallow",
it will not appear in a search engine, like Google. It effectively
hides it from the Internet],_c._1487/ is
"Small Vessel Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1487)" which has been repealed.
There are many repealed laws on this site: why is this one singled out?
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