[JOB] Looking for a developer with interest in open data for a partnership position

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[JOB] Looking for a developer with interest in open data for a partnership position

Michael Lenczner-2

I think that I am the first to desecrate this list with lowly commercial offers. Normal mailing list etiquette is that it is okay as long as it's clearly indicated in the subject line.

My company, Ajah, uses government data to offer a service to the non-profit sector. We're creating a second service and we're hoping to find a developer who's already involved in open data space who will join us at a partnership level. There will be lots of opportunities to contribute back to both the open data community and the non-profit sector.

Here's some more information about the position but feel free to get in touch with me directly - http://nextmontreal.com/developer-job-at-ajah/ 


Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah
1-888-406-2524 (AJAH)