Invitation to tomorrow's event: 3 dialogues in search of democracy

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Invitation to tomorrow's event: 3 dialogues in search of democracy

liss jeffrey

HI I know many of you are not in Toronto, but thought you might take interest in this event.
best wishes, Liss J
Please join us for part or all of this event.

Three Dialogues in search of democracy

When: 3-6 PM, Thursday, April 19th
Where: Lesley Dan Pharmacy Building (144 College, at University Ave., Queen's Park subway station), Room 310

The New Democracy Workshop invites the community to take part in Three Dialogues on Democracy. Each talk will last 30 minutes, followed by a half hour moderated discussion.
All are welcome to attend any part of this event.

Dialogue 1 ( 3PM): "Collaborative Diagnostics: A Dialogue between Specific Cases and the Health Care System". How medical procedure aimed at directing decisions about therapy should explicitly consider all those concerned and how trends in the health care system to recognize patient autonomy and the shared responsibility for optimal care may allow such an approach to emerge. Professor Pennefather will argue that when collaborative health care team procedures and personal care records within the health care system become more transparent, the prospects for a more participatory dialogue in health care will be enhanced. Professor Peter Pennefather, Academic Director, Laboratory of Collaborative Diagnostics & Professor, Lesley Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. Moderator: West Suhanic, PhD

Dialogue 2 (4PM): "Innovations in Dialogue - Practices and principles for e-Dialogue." Peter shares current thinking in dialogue practice, including applications and concerns with "e-dialogue" approaches. He presents the approach of structured dialogue, a method for democratic, consensus-based dialogic design based on social science and collaborative cognition. Peter presents a case for moving dialogue beyond the Understanding phase ("just listening"), illustrating the necessity for a democratic approach to social system design and action based on dialogue, using cases drawn from the structured dialogue approach. In conclusion, he will argue for a commitment to democratic process when collaboratively designing authentic dialogue. Peter Jones, Dialogic Design International. Moderator: Wayne Chu, PhD candidate, Political Science, U of Toronto

Dialogue 3 (5PM): "From eGovernment to eDemocracy: Assessing the prospects for meaningful political engagement in Canada" Beginning with a brief survey of Canada's achievements in e-government, Dr Jeffrey will then propose a model for e-democracy. She will illustrate her arguments with an assessment of two e-dialogues on policy matters that she produced with her team, the CRTC's New Media Forum (1998), and the panCanadian Foreign Policy e-Dialogue (2003). In conclusion she will argue that Canada's focus on e-government has occluded e-democracy, and that innovation in this e-governance space has now passed from the federal/national to the sub-federal and international levels.
Dr Liss Jeffrey, McLuhan Global Research Network, founding director eCommons/agora electronique and byDesign eLab.

Moderator: Robert Rodbourne, Managing Editor, Netizen News.

Convivial dialogue continues afterwards at O'Gradys second floor on College near University.

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