Invitation Feb. 5, 5 - 7 PM, from New Democracy Workshop

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Invitation Feb. 5, 5 - 7 PM, from New Democracy Workshop

liss jeffrey
 Feb. 1, 2007
Hi Everyone: 

1. You are all welcome at our next New Democracy Workshop event. We are looking at Ontario's Citizens' Assembly and invite all to come, participate, and pass this invitation on to your circles!
New Democracy Workshop The next meeting will be our monthly colloquium where we reflect on topics developed in the workshop. Monday, February 5, 5 - 7PM PM at 144 College (north west corner of College and University). <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="" target="_blank"> The Lesley Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Building in Faculty Council Room (Room 1210) on the east side of the building.
Professor Peter Pennefather ( Pharmacy), NDW co-animator, will chair this session on the topic of the Citizens' Assembly: What it does and does not mean for democratic life... (<a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="" target="_blank">
Kick off short talks based on workshop discussions and public presentations to the assembly by Dr Liss Jeffrey
( NDW co-animator, Knowledge Media Design Institute, and McLuhan global research network) and Robert Rodbourne ( Managing editor, NetiZen News).
All are welcome and if anyone has time afterwards, perhaps we might see who is around and who is interested in linking up our various projects.
March Colloquium on our current workshop topics: Democratic politics, media, and the Blogosphere; Code Politics; and a review of the Wealth of Networks.    
2. FYI Our new site <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="" target="_blank"> ( drupal) is a staging ground for the various activities of the New Democracy Workshop, Media Ecology Cafe, McLuhan global research network, eCommons/agora, byDesign eLab, and others. It's pretty new and still a bit wobbly, but soon we shall open it up further, and port over the materials worth reviving from our earlier digital democracy and citizen engagement projects 1997-2007! ( eCommons/agora, <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="" target="_blank">, <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="" target="_blank">, and more) 
We are actively looking now for new partners, projects, revenue/sustainability sources, and more.
Hope to see some of you ( many of you I know, so hello there) next Monday.
Best wishes
Liss Jeffrey, PhD
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Re: Invitation Feb. 5, 5 - 7 PM, from New Democracy Workshop

Hugh McGuire
hi jeffrey, what city is the event in? (Toronto, I infer from one of  
the URLs... is that correct?)

On Feb 2, 2007, at 9:52 AM, liss jeffrey wrote:

>  Feb. 1, 2007
> Hi Everyone:
> 1. You are all welcome at our next New Democracy Workshop event. We  
> are looking at Ontario's Citizens' Assembly and invite all to come,  
> participate, and pass this invitation on to your circles!
> =============================================================
> New Democracy Workshop The next meeting will be our monthly  
> colloquium where we reflect on topics developed in the workshop.  
> Monday, February 5, 5 - 7PM PM at 144 College (north west corner of  
> College and University). 
> projects/pharmacy.htm The Lesley Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Building  
> in Faculty Council Room (Room 1210) on the east side of the building.
> Professor Peter Pennefather ( Pharmacy), NDW co-animator, will  
> chair this session on the topic of the Citizens' Assembly: What it  
> does and does not mean for democratic life... ( 
> cfmx/tvoorg/citizensassembly/).
> Kick off short talks based on workshop discussions and public  
> presentations to the assembly by Dr Liss Jeffrey
> ( NDW co-animator, Knowledge Media Design Institute, and McLuhan  
> global research network) and Robert Rodbourne ( Managing editor,  
> NetiZen News).
> All are welcome and if anyone has time afterwards, perhaps we might  
> see who is around and who is interested in linking up our various  
> projects.
> March Colloquium on our current workshop topics: Democratic  
> politics, media, and the Blogosphere; Code Politics; and a review  
> of the Wealth of Networks.
> ===============================================================
> 2. FYI Our new site ( drupal) is a staging ground  
> for the various activities of the New Democracy Workshop, Media  
> Ecology Cafe, McLuhan global research network, eCommons/agora,  
> byDesign eLab, and others. It's pretty new and still a bit wobbly,  
> but soon we shall open it up further, and port over the materials  
> worth reviving from our earlier digital democracy and citizen  
> engagement projects 1997-2007! ( eCommons/agora, foreign-policy-
>,, and more)
> We are actively looking now for new partners, projects, revenue/
> sustainability sources, and more.
> Hope to see some of you ( many of you I know, so hello there) next  
> Monday.
> Best wishes
> Liss Jeffrey, PhD
> DrJ
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: Invitation Feb. 5, 5 - 7 PM, from New Democracy Workshop

liss jeffrey

Yes the meeting is College St and University Ave in Toronto.
Here's a map I meant to send.

It's Liss Jeffrey, btw, aka DrJ
We've been doing work in citizen engagement in democratic life, and digital democracy formally since 1997 with the byDesign eLab, Canada by design: Building a knowledge nation using new media and policy, ecommons/agora and other projects.
Will introduce myself properly soon.
Monday is a reflection on Citizens' Assembly based on some work we have been doing, and presentations two of us made. We are looking to see where people might like to go with this, and our own positions diverge considerably.
We will also introduce the workshop and some of the other things happening there in a less formal way.
Meanwhile launched last December , and will eventually become a new constellation site for our many citizen engagement projects including the and others.
 We are happy to host links and connections and contribute to the larger conversation, as no one 'owns' this space.
We are quite serious, and have been for some time now, so thus we are now calling oursleves a workshop and have various projects in the works, including the next netizen news ( v. 1 was 2000 on the ecommons/agora ) 
Anyone who can come pls introduce yourselves on Monday. As I say I know many of the list members, but obviously not all.
You are all most welcome and it's a really pretty space so come check it out.
 Feb 5, 5 - 7 PM
New democracy workshop: Reflections on the Citizen's Assembly
 144 College St
12th floor
Chair: Peter Pennefather

On 2/2/07, Hugh McGuire <[hidden email] > wrote:
hi jeffrey, what city is the event in? (Toronto, I infer from one of
the URLs... is that correct?)

On Feb 2, 2007, at 9:52 AM, liss jeffrey wrote:

>  Feb. 1, 2007
> Hi Everyone:
> 1. You are all welcome at our next New Democracy Workshop event. We
> are looking at Ontario's Citizens' Assembly and invite all to come,
> participate, and pass this invitation on to your circles!
> =============================================================
> New Democracy Workshop The next meeting will be our monthly
> colloquium where we reflect on topics developed in the workshop.
> Monday, February 5, 5 - 7PM PM at 144 College (north west corner of
> College and University). <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
> projects/pharmacy.htm The Lesley Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Building
> in Faculty Council Room (Room 1210) on the east side of the building.
> Professor Peter Pennefather ( Pharmacy), NDW co-animator, will
> chair this session on the topic of the Citizens' Assembly: What it
> does and does not mean for democratic life... ( <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
> cfmx/tvoorg/citizensassembly/).
> Kick off short talks based on workshop discussions and public
> presentations to the assembly by Dr Liss Jeffrey

> ( NDW co-animator, Knowledge Media Design Institute, and McLuhan
> global research network) and Robert Rodbourne ( Managing editor,
> NetiZen News).
> All are welcome and if anyone has time afterwards, perhaps we might
> see who is around and who is interested in linking up our various
> projects.
> March Colloquium on our current workshop topics: Democratic
> politics, media, and the Blogosphere; Code Politics; and a review
> of the Wealth of Networks.
> ===============================================================
> 2. FYI Our new site <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"> ( drupal) is a staging ground
> for the various activities of the New Democracy Workshop, Media
> Ecology Cafe, McLuhan global research network, eCommons/agora,
> byDesign eLab, and others. It's pretty new and still a bit wobbly,
> but soon we shall open it up further, and port over the materials
> worth reviving from our earlier digital democracy and citizen
> engagement projects 1997-2007! ( eCommons/agora, foreign-policy-
> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">, <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">, and more)

> We are actively looking now for new partners, projects, revenue/
> sustainability sources, and more.
> Hope to see some of you ( many of you I know, so hello there) next
> Monday.
> Best wishes
> Liss Jeffrey, PhD
> DrJ
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]
> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">

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