Introduction to new Member

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Introduction to new Member

Joel Rivard

I've just joined the civic access list at the invitation of Tracey Lauriault. Tracey and I met at Carleton University almost 2 years ago while I was working in the GIS section at the library.
I'm currently still at the library on a full-time basis, working now not only with GIS information but also with numeric data.  I've also begun a part-time and distance education Masters of Library and Information Studies where I hope to eventually work with tones of different types of data as a Librarian.  At the slow pace that I'm going, I'll probably be done in the next 3 to 4 years. 

I've been exposed to much "liberation" of data on an academic side of things, but hope that some of this data will be liberated to the general public.  I have limited experience in liberating data, but I'll try my best to help out in any way that I can.

