Interesting comment on slashdot discussion "How NY Gov. Cuomo Sidesteps Freedom of Information Requests With His Blackberry"

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Interesting comment on slashdot discussion "How NY Gov. Cuomo Sidesteps Freedom of Information Requests With His Blackberry"

Glen Newton
I found this comment in the slashdot discussion around FOI (USA)
an interesting way of expressing some of the issues:
"We have a classic problem with the freedom of information requests:

1) We want accurate historical records maintained of how decision were
made, by whom and why.
2) We want a have an open press and legal system to have access to
those records so our legal processes and our political processes are
based on accurate information.
3) We want to have an open campaign system where all available
information is discussed as part of the process of choosing leaders.

Pick any 2."

With respect to the parent discussion over Gov Cuomo's use of a medium
that stores no record of messages, this is a direct parallel to the
unwritten (!) directive to not record meeting notes in the Canadian
Federal government: G&M: Feb 2010 "Is this the answer to access
requests? Stop keeping records?"
 (previously posted by Tracey).

-Glen Newton
