Immigration Research Centres cut...

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Immigration Research Centres cut...

Harvey Low
As we discuss Open Gov, the impacts of related decisions within an era of austerity will be real. It has been announced that funding for a research network on immigration will be cut by the province of ont. This will impact on research into immigration issues as a means of informing decisions of govt on settlement. Just a note that the complexity of such decisions may not seem obvious to OG and OP but indeed has implications.

Harvey Low
CCSD Community Data Program Rep

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Re: Immigration Research Centres cut...

Glen Newton

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:53 AM, Harvey Low <[hidden email]> wrote:
> As we discuss Open Gov, the impacts of related decisions within an era of austerity will be real. It has been announced that funding for a research network on immigration will be cut by the province of ont. This will impact on research into immigration issues as a means of informing decisions of govt on settlement. Just a note that the complexity of such decisions may not seem obvious to OG and OP but indeed has implications.
> Harvey Low
> CCSD Community Data Program Rep
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]


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Re: Immigration Research Centres cut...

Michael Lenczner
In reply to this post by Harvey Low

On 2012-02-29, at 7:53 AM, "Harvey Low" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> As we discuss Open Gov, the impacts of related decisions within an era of austerity will be real. It has been announced that funding for a research network on immigration will be cut by the province of ont. This will impact on research into immigration issues as a means of informing decisions of govt on settlement. Just a note that the complexity of such decisions may not seem obvious to OG and OP but indeed has implications.

As an FYI we don't discuss open government too much in this list. We're pretty focused on open data. Not that comments about open government are unwelcome. They're just infrequent.

In terms of understanding the relationships between the production, distribution, and use of data, the folks on this list are pretty savvy. You can read through some of the archives in order to verify that. Don't worry about having to dumb it down that much for us ;-)

I'm afraid I have no clue to what OP refers to in this context. Maybe I need more coffee....

And welcome to the list.


> Harvey Low
> CCSD Community Data Program Rep
> _______________________________________________
> CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
> [hidden email]