Immigration Poll Visualization - Globe and Mail

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Immigration Poll Visualization - Globe and Mail

Tracey P. Lauriault
I like that I can respond to a poll by positioning myself on a graph!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wendy Watkins <[hidden email]>
Date: Wed, May 2, 2012 at 10:57 AM
Subject: A neat way to visualize data -- take the Globe and Mail poll
To: DLI Listserv <[hidden email]>

Go to:

Take the poll and submit it.  Make sure you fill in your age, gender and province.

Check the results.  Scroll down and you can manipulate the age, gender and geography and check the percentages.

Really just a simple scattergram but it could be a useful teaching tool.

Cheers, wew

Tracey P. Lauriault