IMPORTANT - OGP Links and Screen Captures

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IMPORTANT - OGP Links and Screen Captures

Tracey P. Lauriault
Hey Gang!

I submitted my PhD exam document yesterday so now I can focus on this OGP thing coming up next week!  I am sorry that I could not act in a timely way, I just had to submit that document first!

I am now posting all the stuff to the CCSD site and helping Harvey put together a 2 pager document of links to Canadian Initiatives and I would like to post a number of screen captures of initiatives and tools on the CCSD site that Harvey can point back to.  

James, Harvey said that you had some great ideas on material for his power point, which we will jazz up now, I am sure they will let him show an updated version, irrespective he will be speaking and having side meetings and showcasing Canadian initiatives is really important.  Our concern at the moment is the Canadian Panel will miss this as OGP has changed the process and picked Toby Mendel to speak instead, which means we may have an over emphasis on FOI at the expense of everything else.

I have links from docs everyone sent and I am fishing through them now!  But if you could all be so kind as to send links and screencaptures ASAP, we can put this doc together, one Harvey can print and bring with him, and the other to have on his computer.

Also, thanks all for being patient with my tardiness on this, but I have the next couple of days dedicated to this activity...


Tracey P. Lauriault