Hiring dynamic Program Manager and Campaigner - Beneficial ownership

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Hiring dynamic Program Manager and Campaigner - Beneficial ownership

Claire Woodside

Hi all,


PWYP-Canada, C4TF and TI-Canada are hiring a program manager to manage a new grant we have secured with the Open Society Foundation. This individual will lead the implementation of the grant and will be responsible for coordinating the Canadian campaign on beneficial ownership transparency, as well as working with international colleagues to stay up to date with global developments.


Please circulate the posting widely. It closes shortly.









Claire Woodside


Publish What You Pay Canada/Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Canada

331 Cooper st., Suite 600

Ottawa, Canada

(Tel) 6132376768 ext 329 (Cell) 6137943536

[hidden email] - @pwypcanada



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HIRING Program manager - beneficial ownership.pdf (346K) Download Attachment