Health Indicators
Today's issue of Health Indicators features the latest data from the
third cycle (2005) of Statistics Canada's Canadian Community Health
Other data available today are the most current population estimates and
unemployment rates for health regions. Indicators based on latest
hospitalization, health human resources and health expenditure data from
the Canadian Institute for Health Information are also available within
this publication for regions with population greater than 75,000 and the
Free CANSIM tables and PDF maps are found in the "Data tables and maps"
section of the publication. Health region profiles make it easy to
download a series of key indicators for a given area. Check out the
"Highlights" section for a more detailed summary of what's new in this
The new issue of Health Indicators, no. 1 (82-221-XIE
<> , free)
is now available on our website. From the Our products and services
page, under Browse our free Internet publications choose Health.
Also today, the Community Profiles module on our website updates its
health information with a selection of indicators from 2005 Canadian
Community Health Survey along with 2001 Census data for the latest
health regions in Canada.
Main Page -
Data Tables & Maps - region profiles (CANSIM & IVT/Beyond 20/20 Tables) -
Ted Hildebrandt
Director of Social Planning
Community Development Halton
860 Harrington Court
Burlington, Ontario L7N 3N4 Canada
Phone: (905) 632-1975, (905) 878-0955
Fax: (905) 632-0778
[hidden email]
Building Community Together