Google’s top Canadian search word of 2011: Census (We’re not kidding)

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Google’s top Canadian search word of 2011: Census (We’re not kidding)

Ted Hildebrandt

Google’s top Canadian search word of 2011: Census (We’re not kidding)


Jack Layton and the Vancouver hockey riots made big Canadian news in 2011, but the prize for top Google search goes to the census.


Google Canada revealed this surprising twist on the top web searches of 2011 in its annual Zeitgeist (German for spirit of the times) roundup on Thursday morning.


Read more:


Ted Hildebrandt
Director of Social Planning
Community Development Halton
860 Harrington Court
Burlington, Ontario  L7N 3N4 Canada
Phone: (905) 632-1975, (905) 878-0955
Fax: (905) 632-0778
Email: [hidden email]

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