Good article on: Open Data vs. Publicly available data: "What “open data” means – and what it doesn’t"

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Good article on: Open Data vs. Publicly available data: "What “open data” means – and what it doesn’t"

Glen Newton

"What “open data” means – and what it doesn’t" - Melanie Chernoff, Red Hat

Excellent article: I am glad to see some big players getting in to try
and fix the conflation of Open Data and 'Publicly available data'.

"I, however, would like to address my personal pet peeve about the
dilution of the term open data....The problem is that an increasing
number of people are using the term open data to mean publicly
available data...this “open data” initiative focuses on _what_ data is
made available, when open data is really about _how_ data is made data means that whatever data is released is done so
in a specific way to allow the public to access it without having to
pay fees or be unfairly restricted in its use." - from article

The article is concerned with the perception that Open Government data
means that all gov data is released: "Open data does not mean that a
government or other entity releases all of its data to the public."

