OGD references about economic impact [at] "Open Records Laws". i guess it was generated by Dwight H. at London's OGDC?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dwight Hines <[hidden email]> Date: 2010/11/15 Subject: [open-government] References on economic and other benefits of open data, and methods to assess To: [hidden email] Also Attached as pdf, I apologize for lost formatting, but I wanted to get these to you. Dwight Hines
Maine USA References for Open Gov group about economic impact Open Records Laws Secretary of State for Communities and Local Goovernment, “Strong and Prosperous Communities: The Local Government White Paper, 2006, By Order of Her Majesty, London, England < http://www.communities.gov.uk/pub/98/ StrongandProsperousCommunitiestheLocalGovernment\ WhitePaperVol1_id1504098.pdf Puddephat, A. “Exploring the Role of Civil Society in the Formulation and Adoption of Access to Information Laws: The cases of Bulgaria, India, Mexico, South Africa & the United Kingdom.” Access to Information Working Paper Series, 2009, World Bank. < http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/213798- 1259011531325/6598384-1268250334206/Role_Civil_Society.pdf> Puddephat, A. , McCall, E. & Wilde, A. “A Guide to Measuring the Impact of Right to Information Programmes”: Practical Guidance Notes”, UN Development Programmes, Bureau for Development Policy, Democracy Group, April, 2006, a Joint Publication Under UNDP Governance Indicators Project <http://www undp.org/oslocentre/citzpart.htm> Office of the UN High Commissioner Human Rights, “Rule-Of-Law Tools For Post-Conflict States: Truth Commissions”. 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