Fwd: [open-government] Open Contracting Global Principles

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Fwd: [open-government] Open Contracting Global Principles

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-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [open-government] Open Contracting Global Principles
Date : Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:29:53 -0400
De : Felipe Estefan [hidden email]
Pour : [hidden email], [hidden email], [hidden email]
Copie à : Open Contracting Partnership [hidden email]

Dear all,

The Open Contracting Partnership is excited to share with you the Open Contracting Global Principles. These principles are intended to serve as a guide for all those seeking to advance open contracting around the world. 

The full text of the principles is available here

The principles were created with the inputs and feedback of nearly 200 members of the open contracting community. We are incredibly thankful to everyone from government, private sector, civil society, donor and international organizations, academia and media who has already contributed to this process. 

As we continue to develop and improve these principles, we would love to hear your comments and feedback. Please send those to [hidden email]. Also, if you'd like to join the conversation about the principles on twitter follow @OpenContracting

All the best,


Open Government

Open Government
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