Fwd: [okfn-labs] Commons Technology Summit - Draft ideas

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Fwd: [okfn-labs] Commons Technology Summit - Draft ideas

Michael Roberts
FYI.  It is particularly excellent to see so much interest growing for municipal open data standards.  


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jonas Öberg <[hidden email]>
Subject: [okfn-labs] Commons Technology Summit - Draft ideas
Date: 12 July, 2013 9:42:45 AM EDT

Dear all,

I'm new to this list and for those of you who don't know me, I'm a Fellow of the Shuttleworth Foundation working on technologies and metadata for attribution and licensing information of digital works. I previously worked for Creative Commons and the Free Software Foundation Europe.

As you may know, Creative Commons has in the past organised a series of technology summits but the last one was too many years ago and so myself and a few others have started drafting some plans for a more general Commons Technology Summit[*].

I'm including a list of the currently proposed topics for such a summit (the tentative date of which is sometime towards the end of the year, somewhere in Europe). You're all most welcome to contribute to the thinking and express your interest in participating:

List of ideas:

* Automated tools to facilitate the reuse of openly licensed materials
    Reuse scenarios as simple as embedding an image from an open-access article into a blog post about the paper tend to be complex enough for (re)users not to always manage providing all the metadata and provenance information required by the licensing terms. What tools are there that would allow to embed the image along with all this information? How can reuse be scaled up?

* Attribution metadata
    Attribution is relevant not only for artistic works, but for scientific works, data, software, 
    and any kind of digital work. It's relevant to discuss, also in relation to content registries 
    above, how such attribution can take place, and what metadata standards are useful for 

* Open standards for open data
    In order to make open data useful on a larger scale, it's not helpful when municipalities
    or others relese data in different formats to one another! Could there be some kind of 
    (un)official standardisation of open data formats?

* ccREL
    The ccREL standard for expressing Creative Commons licenses was sent to the W3C in 
    2008, and not much work has happened since. It's time to discuss the relevance of
    ccREL and the continued activities related to ccREL or other standards for expressing 
    the licenses of open *, such as the possibility of using ODRL profiles.

* Hackathon
    Spend a few hours creating useful software products for the CC community.
* Metadata/content registries
    There's a lot of interest in this from industry groups; we need to enable content registries
    to work with open standards and public APIs in a distributed manner.


[*] Name subject to change.

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