Fwd: [données-ouvertes-mtl] Summer Internship Opportunity: Data Science for Social Good at Georgia Tech

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Fwd: [données-ouvertes-mtl] Summer Internship Opportunity: Data Science for Social Good at Georgia Tech

Tracey P. Lauriault

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stéphane Couture <[hidden email]>
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Subject: [données-ouvertes-mtl] Summer Internship Opportunity: Data Science for Social Good at Georgia Tech
To: [hidden email]


S'il y en a parmi vous qui sont étudiant-es, cette annonce pourrait vous intéresser.

We are pleased to announce a summer internship program based in Atlanta at Georgia Tech called Data Science for Social Good (DSSG). Undergraduate and graduate students will work in teams on problems provided by project partners that include the City of Atlanta and other area non-profits. The program is modeled after the successful DSSG summer program launched last summer in Chicago as a partnership between UChicago and Argonne National Labs. Students in DSSG-ATL will be part of a network of projects, partners, advisors and other students.

The internship is a 10 week program from May 6 to June 11, 2014. Stipend is $8000; travel, housing and living expenses not included. Prof. Ellen Zegura will be program director. 

The application link can be found here: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/3876

More information on the program can be found here: http://dssg-atl.io/

Applications submitted by February 28 will be given preference.

Stéphane Couture, Ph.D.

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