---------- Forwarded message --------- From: N. Bloch <[hidden email]> Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 4:40 PM Subject: Witness briefs now posted online as part of House of Commons standing committee activities To: <[hidden email]> Hi everyone, For those who haven't discovered them yet: a quietly introduced but surprisingly 'radical' new feature this year on the parl.gc.ca website is the addition of witness briefs to standing committee activities (only for session 42-1 thus far). e.g. http://www.parl.gc.ca/Committees/en/PDAM/StudyActivity?studyActivityId=8765254 Access to briefs that inform committee work is something I've been advocating for years, so I'm pretty excited about this. (Of course, stakeholder briefs are not technically government documents, but they are important public documents nonetheless for a variety of reasons.) I was wondering if any of you have been using this feature thus far, and if so, if you would be willing to share with me the context off-list. As well, I have now scraped committee pages to collect complete data on which briefs have been posted. The short story: in just this one session, over 700 briefs have been posted. Based on a superficial analysis I've ascertained that not all stakeholder briefs for 42-1 have been posted. I'm still working on the details and also hope to be able to recover some of those documents. Although this will be shared as a queryable database as soon as I have the time, for now you can access the first-pass data at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ANh0RcZ5EdwnAbukuV9MnJRY51e-dcV6LRAD-Jq7rco/edit?usp=sharing Feel free to use this to support patrons who may be trying to track down committee briefs, or however it may be of service. If you have requests for how I should be expanding the data or if you'd like to collaborate, I'd be happy to hear from you. Accessibility of stakeholder briefs, specifically, are complicated by some copyright issues. However stated government policy since about 2013 has been that stakeholders should expect their briefs to become "public documents" that may be posted on committee pages. Unfortunately, this new practice does not address the longstanding problem of the many other kinds of standing committee research briefs that are not being systematically indexed or shared (beyond stakeholder submissions). For anyone who may be interested, I have posted some details on my personal site: http://seemysandbox.info/research_govDocs.php I would love to hear from any of you for whom this topic might be relevant. If anyone is working on something similar, please let me know! Thanks, Naomi --- https://twitter.com/nominalie _______________________________________________ CivicAccess-discuss mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.pwd.ca/mailman/listinfo/civicaccess-discuss |
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