Fwd: The C-51 Nose Dive

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Fwd: The C-51 Nose Dive

Tracey P. Lauriault

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From: David Christopher <[hidden email]>
Date: Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 4:33 PM
Subject: The C-51 Nose Dive
To: [hidden email]

Last weekend, Canadians spoke out against Bill C-51 by participating in over 70 actions across Canada. Now, a recent poll shows that public support for the bill has taken a serious nose dive.1 Our campaign to stop this reckless, dangerous, and ineffective bill is working, but we’ve got to keep the pressure on. Please, help us amplify your voice through a major media event by donating now.

Donate Now!

Tracey P. ,

What a weekend! Thanks to the work of a large and diverse coalition led by BCGEU, Leadnow, and OpenMedia, thousands of people like you came together against reckless Bill C-51 in over 70 locations throughout Canada.

Now, Forum Research has released a poll showing popular support for the bill is plummeting.1

The poll also shows that as people become more educated about this secret police bill they are less likely to support it.2

This makes it clear: our best chance to defeat C-51 is to keep it in the spotlight.

We need your help to make that a reality. Can you make a donation now?

Your donation will power up our fight to stop C-51 by helping us pull off a major publicity event when our very own Executive Director, Steve Anderson, is in Ottawa next week to give expert testimony at the committee studying C-51.

Steve plans to hand-deliver the over 92,000 signatures on our petition to stop C-51 to the MPs in favour of the bill. We want to make this a major event, keeping the media’s focus on public opposition to C-51. We don’t have much time -- we need your support now to make that happen.

If C-51 goes through, government bureaucrats will be able to distribute your personal information across 17 different government departments without your knowledge or consent.

This is probably why the government is using dirty tricks to block its own Privacy Commissioner from testifying at the committee studying the bill;3 C-51 eviscerates protections that Canadians have enjoyed for more than 30 years by rendering much of the Privacy Act totally meaningless.4

Please, Tracey P. , ensure Bill C-51 gets the attention it deserves by donating today.

For your privacy and basic freedoms,

David, on behalf of your OpenMedia team

P.S.: If we are going to pull this off, we’ve got to act now. Steve is going to be heading to Ottawa in just a couple of days, and our capacity to make a publicity event happen while he is there all comes down to our resources. Can you help us out with a donation today?


[1] Less Support Now For Stiffer Terrorism Legislation. Source: Forum Research

[2] Support Plummets for Harper’s Anti-Terror Bill, New Poll Shows. Source: Vice

[3] Bill C-51: Privacy watchdog Daniel Therrien blocked from committee witness list. Source: CBC News

[4] Why The Anti-Terrorism Bill is Really an Anti-Privacy Bill: Bill C-51′s Evisceration of Privacy Protection. Source: Michael Geist


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