Fwd: [Sunlight International] G7 Open Data Charter Action Plan Analysis

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Fwd: [Sunlight International] G7 Open Data Charter Action Plan Analysis

James McKinney-2
James Chan, policy fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, who wrote the analysis of Canadian municipal open data policies that I shared previously, now looks at the action plans related to the G8 Open Data Charter within the G7.

According to the analysis, Canada has the most firm promises with concrete actions relating to charter commitments. Canada has a number of actions due at the end of this year, and another batch at the end of 2015. There were four actions due June 2014 - I was only able to verify the appathon (CODE) action under commitment #8. The others are:

- "Set policy requirements for departments and agencies to use open file formats when releasing open data on data.gc.ca.” Not sure if this policy would be publicly available.

- Release "Consolidated List of Laws and Regulations of Canada” as open data. I found the following dataset, which has been available since 2013. Perhaps the action is to keep it up-to-date? http://data.gc.ca/data/en/dataset/eb0dee21-9123-4d0d-b11d-0763fa1fb403

- Release "Canada Pension Plan contributions and benefits” as open data. I found pension plan datasets, but I can’t figure out which, if any, matches this description.

Canada’s Action Plan for G8 Open Data Charter: http://data.gc.ca/eng/g8-open-data-charter-canadas-action-plan


Begin forwarded message:

From: James Kin-sing Chan <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Sunlight International] G7 Open Data Charter Action Plan Analysis
Date: July 30, 2014 at 2:05:23 PM GMT-4
Reply-To: [hidden email]

Hi everyone,

I am James Chan, a summer visiting fellow working for Sunlight Foundation policy team. I have just published a two-part analysis following up on the development of the the G8 Open Data Charter and their subsequent action plans.

It is exciting to see the development of open data in the G7, but seems they need strong commitment towards free-of-charge data (and Germany has yet to released its plan).

Here are the articles:

Part 1: G8 Open Data Charter Action Plan: Open data by default, but you may have to pay

Part 2: What can we learn from the G8 Open Data Charter Action Plan?

Would be great if you can spread these articles around and feel free to let me know if you have any comments or questions.

Thank you so much!


James Chan Kin-sing
Policy Intern | Sunlight Foundation
703.226.9604 (m)

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