Fwd: Save the date: Hackfest at Congress 2015

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Fwd: Save the date: Hackfest at Congress 2015

Tracey P. Lauriault

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Akerman <[hidden email]>
Date: Monday, January 19, 2015
Subject: Fwd: Save the date: Hackfest at Congress 2015
To: "Tracey P. Lauriault" <[hidden email]>

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From: Sarah Simpkin <<a href="javascript:_e(%7B%7D,&#39;cvml&#39;,&#39;sarahsimpkin@gmail.com&#39;);" target="_blank">sarahsimpkin@...>
Date: January 19, 2015 at 15:07:38 EST
To: team <<a href="javascript:_e(%7B%7D,&#39;cvml&#39;,&#39;team@opendataottawa.ca&#39;);" target="_blank">team@...>
Subject: Save the date: Hackfest at Congress 2015

Hi all,

A few of the uOttawa librarians (including Catherine and I) are planning a hackfest for Congress 2015 on June 1 at the University of Ottawa (http://congress2015.ca/program/events/hackfest). Congress is a huge conference for most of the Canadian academic associations in the humanities and social sciences.

We'll have free coffee and will be inviting folks to share their projects and data with the group. We're also planning to offer some informal sessions on Open Refine, Omeka for digital exhibits, Gephi for data visualization, etc. It'll be open to the public and I might send out an invitation to the ODO meetup group about it closer to June.

Please tell your friends and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!



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