Fwd: San Francisco Open Legislation Civic Hack Night

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Fwd: San Francisco Open Legislation Civic Hack Night

Michael Lenczner-2
I'm subscribed to the SF civic info mailing list. Quite a bit of interesting content / events.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: San Francisco Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation <[hidden email]>
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:00 PM
Subject: San Francisco Open Legislation Civic Hack Night
To: Michael Lenczner <[hidden email]>

San Francisco's Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation

Michael --

The San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation is teaming up with Code for America, GitHub and sf.citi to host an Open Legislation Civic Hack Night on August 7th, to coincide with the release of the city's legislative codes as Open Data.

The event, aimed at fostering interest and support for Open Gov initiatives in San Francisco, will join civic-minded hackers with the San Francisco city government in the shared goal of making city legislative data more accessible.  A recognition ceremony for event participants in City Hall will follow on August 9th.  

Interested in getting involved and learning more about city efforts? 

Register to attend the Open Legislation Hack Night at http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6874298211

Help us spread the word by tweeting:

"Bring #OpenLegislation to SF!  Join @codeforamerica @github @sfciti @SFMOCI for a civic hack night on 8/7 bit.ly/12mJKxg"

San Francisco Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation

Office of Civic Innovation · United States
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