Fwd: [PMO Network] SayIt launches today - a new Poplus Component to make politicians’ speeches easier to find

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Fwd: [PMO Network] SayIt launches today - a new Poplus Component to make politicians’ speeches easier to find

James McKinney-2

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jen Bramley <[hidden email]>
Subject: [PMO Network] SayIt launches today - a new Poplus Component to make politicians’ speeches easier to find
Date: 15 January, 2014 11:58:54 AM EST
Reply-To: [hidden email]

Apologies if people receive this a number of times because it's cross posted!

Hi all!

Poplus, the network that mySociety and Ciudadano Inteligente have founded, has taken a big step forward today, thanks to the launch of SayIt, the second Poplus Component . Our goal is to collaboratively build pieces of technology that make it quicker and cheaper for people around the world to build websites and apps designed to make empower citizens. We would love users, developers, activists NGOs and CSOs to contribute to this network in any way they wish. It could be by building, using, testing or sharing components!

But I digress, back to the launch.

SayIt exists to make it easy to publish beautiful, easy to search, transcripts of politicians’ speeches, interviews, and the proceedings of trials. 

We've uploaded some examples from the UK that are demos of what SayIt could be used for:

The Leveson Inquiry An investigation into press ethics in the UK
The Charles Taylor trial The former president of Liberia’s war crimes trial

However, the real goal of SayIt is to accelerate the launch of websites, all around the world, that keep track of what is said by politicians and other powerful people. And we’ve built SayIt so that this feature can be added to existing websites without having to abandon all your current technology.

We’ve written a blog post about the launch where you can see a little more information about what this component does. Please do browse, use and give feedback!

All the best


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