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Open-Ouvert <[hidden email]>Date: 2015-12-21 11:37 GMT-05:00
Subject: Our Progress on Open Government Commitments | Nos progrès au chapitre des engagements en matière de gouvernement ouvert
To: Open-Ouvert <
[hidden email]>
Earlier this year, we let you know that we would be looking for your feedback on our progress against Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2014-16.
Since the launch of Canada’s Open Government Portal in 2011, we’ve published and centralized a wealth of government data and information resources for review and re-use. We’ve gotten to this point by continuously examining our progress, setting priorities, and adjusting course in accordance with feedback and suggestions from Canadians.
Our Open Government Action Plans establish commitments very two years, and we’re now more than halfway through implementing Canada’s 2014-16 Action Plan. We invite you to read our Mid-term Self-Assessment on Open Government Action Plan 2014-16 and comment online until January 18.
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