Fwd: [OpenSpending] Survey on open financial data

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Fwd: [OpenSpending] Survey on open financial data

James McKinney-2

Begin forwarded message:

From: Anders Pedersen <[hidden email]>
Subject: [OpenSpending] Survey on open financial data
Date: 18 June, 2013 8:04:15 AM EDT
To: OpenSpending Discussion List <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: OpenSpending Discussion List <[hidden email]>


The World Bank is running a survey to learn more about the demand for open financial data asking a lot of the questions that are also mentioned on this list from time to time. As the survey is set to close by the end of the month, I suggest that you head over there to have a look:


Anders Pedersen
Community Coordinator  |  skype: anpehej  |  @anpe
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