A very worthwhile project to contribute to. If you happen to know about government procurement disclosure policies in Canada, it should be very quick to verify the data they've collected and notify them if it's correct or requires corrections or precisions.
Also, if you have answers to Julia's questions at the end of the post, please reply to her (and optionally cc this list and/or the other lists below).
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: [OpenSpending] Open procuring: how does your country perform?
Date: 9 May, 2013 11:00:17 AM EDT
Hi all,
Sunlight needs your help! We created a master spreadsheet to track procurement disclosure policies in different countries. This will guide us in
our domestic work but we also think it is high time to
combine our efforts with other transparency activists and push for globally applicable norms and standards around contract openness.
We used a recent report on the progress made in implementing OECD recommendations and already found some discrepancies on page 46. Please have a look at our sheet and let us know if info is missing or incorrect. What is the actual publication practice in your country? Is there a case study - most preferably in English - that gives a good overview on how contracts are published in your state? Are there any open source civil society tools that use procurement data? Does your country have any suspension/debarment procedures? Is there anything else we should ask?
Please contact us to verify information about your country!
Júlia KeserűInternational Program Coordinator
1818 N Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
(1) 202-742-1520 *280
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