Fwd: [OpenDataBC] Open Legislation Hackathon

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Fwd: [OpenDataBC] Open Legislation Hackathon

Michael Lenczner-2
Interesting that the Queen's Printers Association is on board.

(And interesting/weird that they're called the Queen's printers)

Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah
1-888-406-2524 (AJAH)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Herb Lainchbury <[hidden email]>
Date: Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:33 PM
Subject: [OpenDataBC] Open Legislation Hackathon
To: [hidden email]

Hi Folks,

If you've been wondering..... "When are we going to have another
hackathon?", well, wonder no more.

I am very excited to announce that the Queen's Printer Association of
Canada (QPAC) and the newly announced Open Data Society of BC are
co-hosting an Open Legislation Hackathon on June 2, 2012 in Victoria.

QPAC is the association of all of the Queen's Printers across the
country, so it's very cool to have them all interested in open data.
As some of you will know, some of BC Queen's Printer staff have been
to our hackathons.  They have been working hard to make their data
usable for us so I am excited to see what they have done.

The hackathon will follow our usual format (9am to 5ish), including
food and snacks provided by QPAC.  Plus - they will be giving out
tickets for appies and drinks afterwards!

QPAC is also having a conference in Victoria, the week following the
hackathon.  The conference attendees will be interested in whatever
gets developed and there may be an opportunity to present your app to
that conference. :)

I think it's going to be a great opportunity for learning for all involved.

Everyone welcome.  Please join us if you would like to hang out with
us for a day, work on something interesting and generally have fun.

Please mark your calendars!

Some details and a signup form here:  http://goo.gl/bk6Tt
