Looks cool.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Eaves <[hidden email]> Date: Mon, May 7, 2012 at 12:46 PM Subject: [OpenDataBC] Announcing the creation of The Open Data Society of BC To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>, [hidden email], [hidden email] Hi everyone! David Eaves here, I am pleased to announce the creation of a grassroots organization to support the open data community in British Columbia. More info below for those interested in participating! The Open Data Society of BC has recently been incorporated as a non-profit, member-driven organization created to promote and support open data initiatives. What is the purpose of the Society? There are four main purposes for the Society: promote open data in British Columbia by providing timely, valuable information using various means including the Internet and social media, and by organizing and participating in open data events; support the British Columbia open data community by facilitating online discussions and in person social gatherings between members and liaising with external stakeholders in a way that promotes and understanding of, and access to, open data create opportunities for using open data by fostering a community that helps members to connect with the other open data users and creates resources that might interested parties make use of open data; and validate, develop and inform members and external stakeholders of common practices and standards around open data. Who are the Directors for the Society? The following five people are the founding directors for the Open Data Society of B.C. Herb Lainchbury email: [hidden email] Nelson Lah email: [hidden email] David Eaves email: [hidden email] Kevin McArthur email: [hidden email] Greg Britton email: [hidden email] Will the Society replace OpenDataBC? No. The Society is the officially registered, non-profit society under the BC Society Act. It will continue to use the established brand of OpenDataBC to achieve the Society’s objectives. Why have you created a Society? In our work around open data, we have encountered situations where having a legal entity would be useful. For example, more formal interactions with other entities, and the organization of certain types of events can be facilitated if a legal entity exists. It is with this in mind that we created the Society to add another tool to support the open data community. How can I get involved? You can become involved in a number of different ways. You can join as a member of the Society (see the next section!) We will be looking to bring in additional directors over time. Information regarding the director positions will be posted to the opendatabc-society Google group (see link below) as they become available. As always, your participation in open data discussions and events makes a big difference. How can I become a member? The Society will be membership driven, and there will be several categories of membership available. We are in the process of setting up the categories that would include voting rights, privileges and membership fees. If you are interested in becoming a member of the society, we will have that information available soon. Where can I find more information? There is a constitution and set of bylaws for the Society, which are available here: http://www.opendatabc.ca/society.html We have also set up a separate Google group to use for communication and activity specific to the operation of the Society. You can sign up for that Google group here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/opendatabc-society Thank you. We appreciate the work of each and every person in the open data community in B.C. to further open data initiatives. Thank you for all your efforts to date and we look forward to continue our efforts together into the future. Please feel free to contact any of the directors if you have any questions or comments about this new initiative. Sincerely, Herb, David, Nelson, Greg and Kevin |
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