Fwd: [OSM-talk] freethepostcode updates, and pledge request

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Fwd: [OSM-talk] freethepostcode updates, and pledge request

Daniel Haran
Hi Folks,

Maybe slightly off-topic, but perhaps some people on this list would
be interested in this pledge?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SteveC <[hidden email]>
Date: Feb 27, 2006 9:36 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] freethepostcode updates, and pledge request
To: [hidden email]

I've upgraded freethepostcode's code to be nicer, at least to the stage
where I'm not gagging with shame. It's sitting in the subversion repos.

There are many upgrades requested for the site.

I've created a pledge


which reads

"I will upgrade freethepostcode.org to allow postcodes from other
countries, allow other coordinate systems (like National Grid) and write
a europe-wide geocoder based on this Free data but only if 15 other
people will enter 40 postcodes over the next year OR do the translations
OR give 10 pounds."

                                            -- Steve Coast, agitator

So, if the pledge completes I'll do the work. Of course, you're more
than welcome to fulfil more than one of the options.

have fun,

SteveC [hidden email] http://www.asklater.com/steve/

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