Fwd: No W3C GLD telecon Thursday 6-June-2013

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Fwd: No W3C GLD telecon Thursday 6-June-2013

James McKinney-2
Thought some people on this list would appreciate this cartoon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N2zK3sAtr-4

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Resent-From: [hidden email]
From: Bernadette Hyland <[hidden email]>
Subject: No W3C GLD telecon Thursday 6-June-2013
Date: 5 June, 2013 10:13:23 PM EDT
To: W3C public GLD WG WG <[hidden email]>


If you ever wonder why you do what you do to improve data standards and open data, treat yourself to this data sharing cartoon:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N2zK3sAtr-4

The title of the video is "Data Sharing and Management Snafu in 3 Short Acts" by Karen Hanson, Alisa Surkis & Karen Yacobucci, NYU Health Sciences Libraries, August 3, 2012.  I used it to kick off a panel on clinical data aggregation at the Health Datapalooza & it set the tone perfectly ;-)



Bernadette Hyland, co-chair 
W3C Government Linked Data Working Group
Charter: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/

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Re: Fwd: No W3C GLD telecon Thursday 6-June-2013

Merci James

Il faut aussi en rire ;-) de cette réalité.



Dre Diane Mercier
Ph.D. Sciences de l'information

Ambassadrice de l'Open Knowledge Foundation - Groupe local au Canada
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Chargée de projet sur les données ouvertes de la Ville de Montréal
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« J'utilise une suite bureautique libre pour gérer les documents en formats ouverts (ODF) »

Le 2013-06-06 08:35, James McKinney a écrit :
Thought some people on this list would appreciate this cartoon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N2zK3sAtr-4

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: [hidden email]
From: Bernadette Hyland <[hidden email]>
Subject: No W3C GLD telecon Thursday 6-June-2013
Date: 5 June, 2013 10:13:23 PM EDT
To: W3C public GLD WG WG <[hidden email]>


If you ever wonder why you do what you do to improve data standards and open data, treat yourself to this data sharing cartoon:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N2zK3sAtr-4

The title of the video is "Data Sharing and Management Snafu in 3 Short Acts" by Karen Hanson, Alisa Surkis & Karen Yacobucci, NYU Health Sciences Libraries, August 3, 2012.  I used it to kick off a panel on clinical data aggregation at the Health Datapalooza & it set the tone perfectly ;-)



Bernadette Hyland, co-chair 
W3C Government Linked Data Working Group
Charter: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/

CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
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