Fwd: MAPS-L: long-term preservation of geospatial data / digital collection development

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Fwd: MAPS-L: long-term preservation of geospatial data / digital collection development

Marcel Fortin
Apologies for cross-posting/forwarding but I thought this may be of
interest to those of you not on MAPS-L

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        ESRI conference participation and digital collection
Date:   Fri, 28 Jul 2006 17:52:27 -0700
From:   Julie Sweetkind-Singer <[hidden email]>
To:     Maps-L <[hidden email]>


Are you planning to attend the ESRI conference August 7-11th in San
Diego?  If so, and you are interested in collection development for
geospatial data, please continue reading.

The University of California, Santa Barbara's Map and Imagery Lab and
Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections at Stanford are jointly
working on a project funded by the Library of Congress to research issues
surrounding the long-term preservation of geospatial data.  The project is
known as the National Digital  Information Infrastructure and Preservation
Program (NDIIPP).  The Web site for the entire NDIIPP project is
http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ .  Our project has been named the
National Geospatial Digital Archive (www.ngda.org).  Both universities are
building long-term digital preservation environments and have begun
collecting geospatial data considered to be either "at-risk" or critical to
our mission to support the teaching and research at our universities.

There are two talks about NDIIPP and geospatial data preservation at the
upcoming meeting.  They will be held on Tuesday morning in room 29D of the
convention center.  The first is being given by the North Carolina State
University team working on preservation of geospatial materials at the
state level.  The second is the NGDA discussion.
10:45-11:15am:  Spatial Data Infrastructure and Data Preservation in North
11:30-noon: Long-Term Archiving of Geospatial Data: The NGDA Project

In addition, Mary Larsgaard (UCSB), Tracey Erwin (SU), and I (SU) have been
working on a draft collection development policy specifically for digital
geospatial data.  The goals is to help librarians figure out what to
collect and what to consider when grappling with the issues of long-term
preservation of digital geospatial content.  We wanted to meet with
librarians at the conference to share the CD Policy and get feedback on how
to make it better.  There will be two forums to do so.

On Tuesday during the lunch convened by Angela Lee of ESRI, we will
introduce the Collection Development Policy.  We will then reconvene at 3pm
to discuss it in more depth with those of you interested in this
topic.  The lunch will be held in the Balboa Room, Marriott Hotel, from
noon to 1pm.  The afternoon CDP discussion will also be held in the Balboa
Room room from 3-5pm.

Please let me know if you are planning to attend.  I'd be happy to send you
a copy of the draft CDP beforehand.

Hope to see some of you there!



Julie Sweetkind-Singer
Head Librarian; GIS & Map Librarian
Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections
397 Panama Mall, M/C 2211
Stanford University
Stanford, CA  94305
[hidden email]
Phone:  650-725-1102