Fwd: ChangeCamp: Saturday, January 24th

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Fwd: ChangeCamp: Saturday, January 24th

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From: Mark Kuznicki <[hidden email]>
Date: Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Subject: [Tenants4] ChangeCamp: Saturday, January 24th

I'd like to invite members of the CSI community to get involved with a major event I'm helping to create. It takes place on the Saturday between Obama's inauguration and the return of Parliament from prorogue and is intended to spark major attention in media and launch a national movement.

ChangeCamp Toronto
Saturday, January 24th, 8:30-5:00pm
MaRS Centre, Toronto, ON

ChangeCamp is a participatory and web-enabled face-to-face event that brings together citizens, policy-makers, technologists, design-thinkers, change agents and media creators to answer one question: "How do we re-imagine government and governance in the age of participation?"

ChangeCamp addresses the demand for a renewed relationship among citizens and government. We seek to create connections, knowledge, tools and policies that drive transparency, civic engagement and democratic empowerment.

This is the first ChangeCamp Canada event, which is intended to ignite a national, distributed and self-organizing movement. For more information, please visit the ChangeCamp Canada Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/changecamp. A web site for the event will be launched soon at http://changecamp.ca/


We need help to design a logo and event site and wiki, to reach out to a diverse set of stakeholders from ALL political orientations and parties, and to identify any particularly remarkable projects and people that need to be part of this conversation.

If you would like to get involved and help make this a reality, please join and introduce yourself on the ChangeCamp Canada Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/changecamp

Thank you!
Mark Kuznicki

mobile: 416-994-2470
Skype: markkuznicki
GTalk: [hidden email]
MSN: [hidden email]