Fwd: #CdnDevHack Follow-Up and Events

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Fwd: #CdnDevHack Follow-Up and Events

Michael Lenczner-2

I don't think this made it to the list...

V. interesting to see the upcoming "Hacking Migration" event. 

Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ian Froude <[hidden email]>
Date: Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 6:07 AM
Subject: #CdnDevHack Follow-Up and Events
To: [hidden email]

Hello #CdnDevHack participants,

I hope you are all very well. This is a slightly delayed follow-up, but it makes for an opportune time to share some great events that are upcoming in Ottawa.

#CdnDevHack Follow-Up
-Here is a summary document of the event that is shareable publicly for anyone interested: here. (if you scroll to the bottom of this document you will see links to all of the media attention the event received).
-And all of the links to files for each project are on this GitHub page: http://citizen-attache.github.io/

If you were working on the project with Aniket and/or Mitesh from NSI, Aniket is interested in talking with you about the projects. E-mail him here: [hidden email]

Upcoming Events:
[1] A migration focused hackathon:
"I'm writing to invite you to join me at a new "hack for good" in Ottawa on Nov. 2 & 3. Hacking Migration in the Capital is a two-day marathon of creative collaboration between coders, designers, data managers and experts in immigration. We’re bringing people together to brainstorm ways for technology to shed light on challenges in migration, whether it’s practical tools for new arrivals or complex research questions. Sponsored in part by Adobe Canada, it's part of Americas Datafest, an international, simultaneous hackathon on immigration, refugees and settlement. There will be great food, cool prizes and lots of creative energy."


For more information, visit www.americas.datafest.com and click on the Ottawa location page or email co-ordinator Louisa Taylor at <[hidden email]>. To register, visit http://hackingmigrationott.eventbrite.ca/



Open Data, Transparency and International Development 
Monday, October 28th, 2013


Ottawa Professional Development Institute
110 O'Connor St., Suite 2


The North-South Institute (NSI) is hosting the Ottawa event of Global Transparency Week (GTW). GTW, a series of events on transparency, accountability and good governance, kicks off on October 24th in Washington D.C., with the launch of the Aid Transparency Index (ATI), and culminates with the Open Government Partnership conference in London on October 31st. Throughout the week, around the world, organizations will be hosting events that raise the profile of, and demonstrate a global commitment to, transparency.


NSI's event will feature a dynamic panel discussion on open data, transparency and its role in international development followed by an open discussion and debate.

The event is open to the public and will include members of the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society.

Aid Transparency Discussion Group

Michael Roberts, of Acclar/Groupsia, who you would have met during the hackathon in August, has started a discussion group focused on aid transparency. I encourage you to join and and be a part of the conversation and the community. You can join here: https://dgroups.org/hivos/canada-aidtransparency
I have recently moved to St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, and now work for the Government of NL, but feel free to get in touch at anytime.
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