Fwd: [Caglist] SUMMARY RE:crowd sourcing spatial data

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Fwd: [Caglist] SUMMARY RE:crowd sourcing spatial data

Tracey P. Lauriault
Good map/wildlife/croudsourcing/citizen science info.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brook, Ryan <[hidden email]>
Date: Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:05 PM
Subject: [Caglist] SUMMARY RE:crowd sourcing spatial data
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

Thanks so much everyone for your great responses to my question about collecting spatial data online from large numbers of people. Several people have asked for a summary of what I’ve found so here it is in no particular order. Some really cool stuff going on out there!


Crowdsourcing Nature: http://westerncitsci.tumblr.com/


CBMN (community based monitoring network) pilot study in Nunavut (www.nwmn.ca)


Biodiversity Atlas in  http://biodiversityatlas.org/






snow tweets run by waterloo




Ontario Nature (formerly the Federation of Ontario Naturalists) organizes citizen scientists to monitor frogs, birds and other species. You might want to talk to someone there.


the Great Sunflower Project     http://www.greatsunflower.org/faq


Socrata http://www.socrata.com


Plan in a box looks quite interesting as well https://www.newschallenge.org/open/open-government/submission/plan-in-a-box-excellent-websites-for-neighborhood-projects./


PlaceSpeak is also very interesting for public consultation efforts www.placespeak.com


citizen science water quality data collection app for CURA H20 (http://curah20.com) based out of St. Mary's University








marine metre squared citizen science project  https://www.mm2.net.nz/




ArcGIS Online web map. Very easy and fast to set up (one day of work):

ArcGIS Online: http://www.arcgis.com/home/

Google Docs: http://goo.gl/G4Ji5


The entire issue of Environment and Planning A 2013, volume 45 is about VGI, and I would get in touch with your local Open Street Map folks, while their focus is primarily urban, they have a large cadre of volunteers that they have trained to help them out with their mapping, and they perhaps can share best practices and hook you with some volunteers (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Canada), generally you have to register to their lists and begin communicating with people that way.There is also the whole world of citizen science to examine, and well, we all know the ornithologists are the best and maybe the Canadian Association can help there too.

Very Best,



Description: Description: Description: cid:6A7D8D61-ED64-4E75-9783-40B014D4EC19  Ryan K. Brook, PhD 

    Assistant Professor

   College of Agriculture and Bioresources

   University of Saskatchewan

   (306) 966-4120



   Celebrating 100 YEARS AGBIO


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Tracey P. Lauriault
Post Doctoral Fellow
Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre

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