Fwd: [Caglist] FW: [CALJ-ACRS] Launch of the Consultation on the Draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy / Lancement d'une consultation sur la version préliminaire de la Politique de libre accès des trois organismes

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Fwd: [Caglist] FW: [CALJ-ACRS] Launch of the Consultation on the Draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy / Lancement d'une consultation sur la version préliminaire de la Politique de libre accès des trois organismes

Tracey P. Lauriault
If you want Research Data to be Open and Accessible Data, I highly recomend that you make the case here!

If you recommend that x % of research moneys allocated to a project be dedicated to data management, preservation and access that will help fund researchers to do this

Also, if you recommend that an infrastructure be created to deposit these data into, such as a repository and a catalog.

That these agencies provide or create some sort of education, training and outreach to teach researchers and administrators on how to manage data and to share, describe and preserve them.

Easy tools that are painless to enable the deposit of data should also be created.

You may also want to recommend an open data licence for academics to adopt, much like the one created by the federal open data program data.gc.ca

You might also want to recommend that along with the data the papers and other supporting documentation be included.

Finally, you may want to suggest, that data, and making them accessible and managing them well be considered as part of the tenure evaluation process, at the moment, SSHRC and NSERC only recognize peer reviewed papers and other academic publications.

Finally, you may aslo want to suggest that all data be given a unique identified knows as a DOI so that it may be registered and found.

all the open data stuff principles in terms of form and format, are a little trickier when it comes to science as different fields do different things and develop their own tools, some very old and entrenched, so that is a less easy ask, but you may want to try. 

Others on the list may have some suggestions, to add or may want to clarify the ones I just listed.

Opening Canada's research data would be really great!

Hope you all will submit something!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Valerie Shoffey <[hidden email]>
Date: 2013/10/17
Subject: [Caglist] FW: [CALJ-ACRS] Launch of the Consultation on the Draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy / Lancement d'une consultation sur la version préliminaire de la Politique de libre accès des trois organismes
To: CAG Members <[hidden email]>

On Behalf Of : Nasrallah,Danielle [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Z-OPEN ACCESS
Sent: October-15-13 3:52 PM
Subject: Launch of the Consultation on the Draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy / Lancement d’une consultation sur la version préliminaire de la Politique de libre accès des trois organismes


(La version française suit l’anglais)

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) have officially launched a consultation with their communities on the draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy. 

The harmonized draft policy is modeled after the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) Open Access Policy, which remains unchanged and continues to be mandatory

The consultation document is now available for input until December 13, 2013.

Your Feedback

NSERC and SSHRC invite post-secondary institutions, associations, organizations and individuals to provide their input on the draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy by visiting the NSERC Web site.

Institutional and organizational representatives are asked to consult their researchers and membership and report on the collective perspective.  Individuals may also respond independently. Please indicate the section(s) of the draft policy being referred to, within your written feedback.

Responses should be sent electronically to [hidden email].

Please note that the consultation document is accessible online until December 13, 2013, at which time the consultation period ends.


NSERC and SSHRC would like to thank the groups and individuals who have provided advice and feedback through the development of the draft policy.

For more information, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions or contact [hidden email].

Thank you in advance for your collaboration.


Le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) et le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) ont lancé officiellement une consultation sur l’ébauche de la Politique sur le libre accès des trois organismes auprès de leur communauté respective

L’ébauche de la politique harmonisée s’inspire de la Politique de libre accès des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), qui demeure inchangée et continue d’être obligatoire.

Le document de consultation est maintenant affiché et vous pourrez formuler vos commentaires à son sujet jusqu’au 13 décembre 2013.

Votre rétroaction

Le CRSNG et le CRSH invitent les établissements postsecondaires, les associations, les organisations et les particuliers à formuler des commentaires sur l’ébauche de la Politique sur le libre accès des trois organismes en se rendant dans le site Web du CRSNG.

Les représentants des établissements et des organisations sont invités à consulter leurs chercheurs et leurs membres, et à faire rapport sur le point de vue commun qui aura été dégagé. Les particuliers peuvent également répondre de manière indépendante. Veuillez indiquer les sections de l’ébauche de la politique pour lesquelles vous donnez une rétroaction écrite.

Les commentaires doivent être envoyés par voie électronique à [hidden email].

Veuillez noter que le document de consultation sera affiché jusqu’au 13 décembre 2013, date à laquelle la consultation prendra fin.


Le CRSNG et le CRSH tiennent à remercier les groupes et les particuliers qui ont fourni des conseils et une rétroaction dans le cadre de l’élaboration de l’ébauche de la politique.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez la Foire aux questions ou envoyez un courriel à [hidden email].

Nous vous remercions à l’avance de votre collaboration.


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