Begin forwarded message: Date: November 11, 2008 5:51:09 PM EST (CA) Subject: Tell CRTC to Save Our Net!
Hello Mél, Say NO to Corporate Control of Canadians’ internet! In the coming days the federal communications regulator will issue a landmark ruling that has huge implications for Canadians’ access to the Internet. The CRTC decision will determine whether Bell and other big telecoms can continue to “throttle” Internet service.
The commissioners have already twice delayed releasing their ruling, suggesting that they are struggling to make a decision. We need to make it very clear to the CRTC which side the Canadian public is on.
Please take a few seconds to tell the CRTC to stop Internet throttling. Your voice could be the deciding factor!
Until recently, Canada's Internet was an open network – a level playing field for free speech and innovation. All that is now threatened by a handful of corporations that want to control a “gatekeeper network” in which they decide what content and services get the fastest access to our homes.
These companies have been caught:
• throttling or slowing Internet traffic to businesses and consumers; • blocking access to websites that criticized them; • crippling consumer devices and applications.
The upcoming CRTC decision will have major and long-lasting implications for our Internet. Our online level playing field of innovation and free speech hangs in the balance.
Please Take Action and invite your fellow Canadians to do the same!
We rely on your donations to continue our work. Please consider becoming a supporter of the SaveOurNet coalition. If you sign up for monthly donations of $10 or more, you will receive a FREE full-year subscription to Briarpatch Magazine! A one-time donation is fine, too. Whether it's a little or a lot, it all adds up. So please, DONATE NOW.
 Send a letter to the following decision maker: CRTC Chairman Konrad von Finckenstein
Below is the sample letter: Subject: CRTC must Save Our Net! Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here], I submit that the CRTC should order Bell to stop its Internet traffic-shaping practices.
We rely on the CRTC, as the federal communications regulator, to act in the public interest, which in this case means ensuring we have an open and neutral Internet.
Corporations like Bell and Rogers must not be allowed to control our access to the Web or degrade the quality of service we pay to receive from our internet service providers.
Please protect Canada's level playing field for free speech and innovation by ordering Bell to cease and desist its “throttling” practices. Sincerely,
Mél Hogan
cc: Campaign for Democratic Media
| Take Action! | Instructions: Click here to take action on this issue
What’s At Stake:
Corporations trying to control the Internet Please help us keep the Internet Open - become a supporter
Campaign Expiration Date: November 30, 2008 |
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