Fwd: CNC/CODATA News: PLOS' New Data Policy: Public Access to Data

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Fwd: CNC/CODATA News: PLOS' New Data Policy: Public Access to Data

Tracey P. Lauriault

Nice one Glen!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zborowski, Mary <[hidden email]>
Date: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 5:12 PM
Subject: CNC/CODATA News: PLOS’ New Data Policy: Public Access to Data

OPI -Mary
-----Original Message-----
From: Glen Newton
Sent: February 25, 2014 3:39 AM


"In an effort to increase access to this data, we are now revising our data-sharing policy for all PLOS journals: authors must make all data publicly available, without restriction, immediately upon publication of the article. Beginning March 3rd, 2014, all authors who submit to a PLOS journal will be asked to provide a Data Availability Statement, describing where and how others can access each dataset that underlies the findings. This Data Availability Statement will be published on the first page of each article."



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