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Free & Not Free Statistics Canada Geography Files

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Free & Not Free Statistics Canada Geography Files

Tracey P. Lauriault
I met with an official at Statistics Canada some weeks ago and was pleased to hear about the following geography files, in three formats GML, ESRI .shp and MapInfo .tab  formats.

This is a good start.  It means that you can do some national analysis using census sub-divisions  (CSD), census divisions (CD), census metropolitan areas (CMA), and provinces and territories, etc. but not as large scales such as postal code, dissemination area, enumeration area and census tracts.  That means you cannot study neighbourhoods.  Also note, these are just the empty shell geography files, you would still have to purchase the census data to go along with these.

a) 2006 FREE Boundary Files for (http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2006/geo/bound-limit-eng.cfm):
  • provinces and territories
  • census divisions
  • economic regions
  • census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations
  • census consolidated subdivisions
  • census subdivisions
  • ecumene
b) 2006 FREE - Road Network File (http://geodepot.statcan.gc.ca/2006/040120011618150421032019/1814062006_05-eng.jsp).  This does not include attributes and therefore it is hard to use it for geocoding.  There is a National Road Network file that will soon be available on Geobase with the attributes (http://www.geobase.ca/geobase/en/data/nrn/description.html).

c) 2006 FREE - Population Ecumene Census Division Cartographic Boundary File (http://geodepot.statcan.gc.ca/2006/040120011618150421032019/16151605032113051405_05-eng.jsp)

d) FOR FEE 1991~2006-
Tracey P. Lauriault