For those who do not read slashdot: "EU Wants To Redefine "Closed" As "Nearly Open""

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For those who do not read slashdot: "EU Wants To Redefine "Closed" As "Nearly Open""

Glen Newton

""A leaked copy (PDF) of Version 2 of the European Interoperability
Framework replaces a requirement in Version 1 for carefully-defined
open standards by one for a more general 'openness': 'the willingness
of persons, organizations or other members of a community of interest
to share knowledge and to stimulate debate within that community of
interest.' It also defines an 'openness continuum' that includes
'non-documented, proprietary specifications, proprietary software and
the reluctance or resistance to reuse solutions, i.e. the "not
invented here" syndrome.' Looks like 'closed' is the new 'open' in the

I don't know how this happened, but a voice in the back of my head is
saying "See also: OOXML and the ISO committee".

-Glen Newton
