I was recently on this page:
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/access_acces/alternative_alternatif.action?l=eng&teng=Enrolment%20in%20postsecondary%20education&tfra=Effectifs%20aux%20%E9tudes%20postsecondaires&loc=/pub/81-582-x/2011002/excel/d1-eng.xlsAs the user of a computer running the Linux operating system, I was
wondering if you had any suggestion for viewers or spreadsheet
software that would allow me to view or manipulate files of this type.
The suggested "Excel Viewer 2003" does not work on my computer.
Colleagues have suggested that LibreOffice should be sufficient for
Mac, Linux and Windows computers. What does StatsCan recommend for
XLS is also a proprietary format. Is StatsCan looking into Open
standards, like XML, for data dissemination?
Also, this link for"Excel Viewer 2003" to the Microsoft site appears
not to work (for me at least):
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=c8378bf4-996c-4569-b547-75edbd03aaf0&displaylang=enYou might want to try:
Glen Newton
Cantley, Quebec