Federal Open Data Initiatives

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Federal Open Data Initiatives

Harvey Low
FYI - I am hearing now that the feds will be completely revamping  - if not eliminating some of the previous "restrictive" licensing fees (particularly with the StatsCan files). I have a meeting with them on Thursday to confirm the details, but if anyone has added info they would like to share, that would be great.
Harvey Low 
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Re: Federal Open Data Initiatives

David Eaves
Yes, I've been working with them on this. The effort is real. There is actually a larger scope in mind, but either way, I think it is a lock that the license on data will become less restrictive.

On 12-02-28 11:36 AM, Harvey Low wrote:
FYI - I am hearing now that the feds will be completely revamping  - if not eliminating some of the previous "restrictive" licensing fees (particularly with the StatsCan files). I have a meeting with them on Thursday to confirm the details, but if anyone has added info they would like to share, that would be great.
Harvey Low 

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