FWD: [spno-data] FYI - Voluntary sector technology awards issue call for nominations (Charity Village)

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FWD: [spno-data] FYI - Voluntary sector technology awards issue call for nominations (Charity Village)

Tracey P. Lauriault-2

Tracey P. Lauriault
Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre (GCRC)
Dept. of Geography, 1125 Colonel By Dr., Ottawa (ON) K1S 5B6
(Off) +1 613 520 2600 ext 2252 (Home) +1 613 234 2805
[hidden email] or [hidden email]

On May 15, "Ted Hildebrandt" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Voluntary sector technology awards issue call for nominations

> The Showcase Ontario Voluntary Sector IT Awards are currently seeking
> award nominations from community-based organizations that are using
> information technology to improve accessibility, effectiveness, and/or
> outreach, as well as those that are employing technology in creative and
> innovative ways to fundraise, work with volunteers, or develop
> partnerships. The awards are part of the Partnership Platform
> initiative, a project of the Information Technology Association of
> Canada for Ontario (ITAC Ontario), the Coalition of Ontario Voluntary
> Organizations, and OnTarget. Awards will be given out in September 2006.
> The deadline for submissions is June 1st. For more information about
> nomination guidelines, visit: www.partnershipplatform.ca
> <http://www.partnershipplatform.ca/modules.php?name=Stories&file=article
> &sid=44> . [Editor's Note: To learn more about the Partnership Platform,
> check out this week's Cover Story
> <http://www.charityvillage.com/cv/news/cover.asp> .]