FW: [ciresearchers] Showcasing a free data visualization application to community-based groups

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FW: [ciresearchers] Showcasing a free data visualization application to community-based groups

michael gurstein
This looks like a very neat and potentially very useful tool.
 -----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 11:21 AM
To: Community Informatics
Subject: [ciresearchers] Showcasing a free data visualization application to community-based groups

Dear CI Colleagues,

Please check this out!

"Finally, Weave Is Real"

Georges Grinstein, a distinguished computer scientist with a passion for democratizing data, shares his experience at the Metropolitan Area Planning Council's Data Day, during which he demonstrated his data visualization platform, Weave, to community-based organizations in Massachusetts.

Best regards from Deborah

Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Strategist and Consultant
Technology for the Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Email: [hidden email]
Blog: www.deborahelizabethfinn.com
Skype: Deborah909
Twitter: Deborah909
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah909
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Deborah.Elizabeth.Finn
Mobile phone:  1-617-504-8188
Voicemail: 1-617-958-1959

I bring resources and needs together for nonprofits and
philanthropies, mostly through strategic use of information
and communication technologies.