From A2K discussion list
Creative Commons Video and Report on World Bank
Panel on Open AccessPolicy and
Development[by Timothy Vollmer] On Monday, the World Bank
hosted an event calledWhat the World Bank's Open Access Policy
Means for Development (you canview the video recording of the
event at the link or embedded below).Participants included
Peter Suber from Harvard University, MichaelCarroll from
American University (Mike is on the Board of Directors
atCreative Commons), and Cyril Muller and Adam Wagstaff from
the WorldBank. The discussion was timely given the Bank's
recently-announced OpenAccess Policy and Open Knowledge
Repository. We blogged about the Bank'sannouncement of these
two great initiatives. The World Bank's OpenAccess Policy
requires that all research outputs and knowledge
productspublished by the Bank be licensed Creative Commons
Attribution license(CC BY) as a default. Click here for the
video and full report.<http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/32839>