-----Original Message-----
[hidden email] [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Miranda Gray
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 10:52 AM
To: GOSLING members in Ottawa
Subject: [OTT-GOSLING] Melbourne Trees as an citizen engagement model
This message is mostly for Dan (who has scrapped some data on Ottawa trees).
But the bigger point of this article is how to use technology to engage citizens in government planning and shared issues.
http://www.broadsheet.com.au/melbourne/entertainment/article/trees-return-your-emails"Right now, you can log onto the City of Melbourne’s Urban Forest Visual map <
http://melbourneurbanforestvisual.com.au> and email any tree you’d like within the council’s boundaries.
Yep, all 60,000 of them.
Each tree has a unique ID number and, theoretically speaking, each tree will get back to you. But don’t picture an elm sitting down in a special tree-friendly computer cafe – it’ll be council staff answering your messages (so behave, now)...."
Melbourne is similar to Ottawa is that it is too is losing 40% of its existing tree canopy over the next decade.
Miranda Gray
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