FW: Neighborlands unite! A social network gives power to the people

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FW: Neighborlands unite! A social network gives power to the people

michael gurstein

Note the powerful (and in this case effective) link here between community informatics and open (civic) data!

"One example: 61 residents wanted the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority to make its GPS data available to smart app developers. This lead to a Neighborland collaboration with local organization Transport for NOLA. A petition was circulated, 300 signatures obtained, and the open data policy became a priority on the RTA’s do-to list. Now, transit date is openly available." (hat tip to Rollie Cole!)


-----Original Message-----
From: Rollie Cole [
[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 8:07 AM
To: michael gurstein
Subject: Neighborlands unite! A social network gives power to the people


If your neighborhood needs improvement, which it does, this new social network can unite your neighbors to help make it happen.