FW: [CPI-UA] Featured Product: Access to Statistics Canada's electronic publications at no charge (crown copyright no longer pending!!!)

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FW: [CPI-UA] Featured Product: Access to Statistics Canada's electronic publications at no charge (crown copyright no longer pending!!!)

Joe Murray
Joe Murray, Chair
Fair Vote Ontario
57 Grandview Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M4K 1J1
416.466.1281 (w), 416.466.1277 (f)

From: Lisa Austin [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: April 25, 2006 11:31 AM
To: 'Joe Murray'
Subject: FW: [CPI-UA] Featured Product: Access to Statistics Canada's electronic publications at no charge (crown copyright no longer pending!!!)



-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Nielson [mailto:[hidden email]]
Monday, April 24, 2006 11:08 AM
To: [hidden email]; Manitoba Library Association News mailing list; [hidden email]
Cc: Pa
Subject: [CPI-UA] Featured Product: Access to Statistics Canada's electronic publications at no charge (crown copyright no longer pending!!!)


Monday, April 24, 2006

Effective today, all electronic publications on Statistics Canada's Web site will be available free of charge.

The Agency has been steadily increasing the volume of free content on its Web site to respond to the information needs of Canadians. This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.

Statistics Canada will continue to charge for print versions of publications and for other electronic products and services, such as CD-ROMs, specialized data tables and customized retrievals from CANSIM and the Canadian International Merchandise Trade database.

For more information, contact François Bordé (613-951-2808), Communications and Library Services Division.