More narrow vindictiveness on the part of Harper and his
-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bev Campbell Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 6:16 PM To: 'TC Advisors' ([hidden email]) Subject: [Advisors] FW: AVE KATIMAVIK - ADVOCACY KIT/ SAUVONS KATIMAVIK - TROUSSE D'ACTION Someone mentioned them going
away quietly, I just received this today. Bev
Campbell From: Megan Smitten
[mailto:[hidden email]] Dear alumni, partners and supporters of
Katimavik, We were all shocked to learn this past March 29 that the Government
had decided to cut its funding to Katimavik. However and because of you all, our
youth program has enormous support right now. Many are raising their voices to
let all know that it’s still possible to reverse the Government’s
decision. From Moncton to Nanaimo, NOW IS THE TIME OR NEVER FOR ALL THOSE
You will find attached an Advocacy Kit that details all the best ways to voice your opinion on the federal
government’s decision to cut Katimavik’s funding and renege their funding
agreement whose expiry date is March 31st,
You may make your voice heard by following these
STEP 1 Write a letter to your MP, the Prime
Minister and Minister Moore. STEP 2 Phone or visit your MP’s local office.
STEP 3 Submit a written, video, photo or audio
testimonial on STEP 4 Join your efforts to those of other
Katimavik supporters on social media. ALL DETAILS MAY BE FOUND IN THE ATTACHED
KIT! IMPORTANT: in order for your voice to be
heard, do not forget that your message should not only talk about how Katimavik
changed your life, but mostly about the impact Katimavik has on communities
and organizations that depend on the program. PLEASE: Thank you for forwarding to all your
contacts. All those who are engaged in youth causes and who believe in community
engagement should feel concerned. Chers anciens, partenaires et supporters de
Katimavik, Nous avons tous été consternés d’apprendre le 29 mars dernier que le
gouvernement avait décidé de mettre un terme au financement de Katimavik.
Cependant et grâce à vous tous, notre programme jeunesse bénéficie en ce moment
d’un incroyable soutien. Plusieurs voix s’élèvent pour clamer
qu’il est encore temps de renverser la décision du
gouvernement. De Moncton à Nanaimo, c’est
maintenant ou jamais le moment POUR TOUS CEUX QUI CROIENT EN LA JEUNESSE ET aux
COMMUNAUTÉS d’appuyer haut et fort KATIMAVIK !
Vous trouverez en fichier attaché une trousse d’action qui fait état des meilleurs moyens de faire connaître votre opinion
concernant la décision du gouvernement fédéral de couper le financement accordé
à Katimavik et de renier l’accord de financement actuel dont la date
d’expiration était fixé au 31 mars, 2013.
Faites entendre votre voix en prenant les
moyens suivants : ÉTAPE 1 Rédigez une lettre à l’intention de votre
député, du premier ministre et du ministre Moore ÉTAPE 2 Téléphonez ou rendez-vous au bureau local de
votre député ÉTAPE 3 Transmettez un témoignage écrit, vidéo,
photo ou audio sur la page ÉTAPE 4 Unissez vos efforts à ceux d’autres
défenseurs de Katimavik sur les média sociaux. TOUS LES DÉTAILS SE TROUVENT DANS LA TROUSSE
EN FICHIER ATTACHÉ! IMPORTANT : pour que votre voix soit
entendue, n’oubliez pas que votre message ne doit pas seulement porter sur
l’influence qu’a eu Katimavik dans votre vie personnelle, mais surtout sur
l’impact qu’a Katimavik sur les communautés et organismes desservis par le
programme. Merci de transmettre dans votre
réseau. Tous ceux qui sont impliqués auprès des
jeunes et qui croient en l’engagement communautaire devraient être
concernés. Merci pour votre soutien! Dear alumni, partners and supporters of
Katimavik, We were all shocked to learn this past March 29 that the Government
had decided to cut its funding to Katimavik. However and because of you all, our
youth program has enormous support right now. Many are raising their voices to
let all know that it’s still possible to reverse the Government’s
decision. From Moncton to Nanaimo, NOW IS THE TIME OR NEVER FOR ALL THOSE
You will find attached an Advocacy Kit that details all the best ways to voice your opinion on the federal
government’s decision to cut Katimavik’s funding and renege their funding
agreement whose expiry date is March 31st,
You may make your voice heard by following these
STEP 1 Write a letter to your MP, the Prime
Minister and Minister Moore. STEP 2 Phone or visit your MP’s local office.
STEP 3 Submit a written, video, photo or audio
testimonial on STEP 4 Join your efforts to those of other
Katimavik supporters on social media. ALL DETAILS MAY BE FOUND IN THE ATTACHED
KIT! IMPORTANT: in order for your voice to be
heard, do not forget that your message should not only talk about how Katimavik
changed your life, but mostly about the impact Katimavik has on communities
and organizations that depend on the program. PLEASE: Thank you for forwarding to all your
contacts. All those who are engaged in youth causes and who believe in community
engagement should feel concerned. Victoria Salvador National Director of Marketing and Communications 514 868-0898 (2361) | 1-888-525-1503 (2361) Katimavik DOING. LEARNING. BUILDING A NATION... ONE COMMUNITY AT A
Avant d'imprimer ce courriel, merci de penser à
l'environnement. Advocacy kit EN.pdf (208K) Download Attachment Trousse d'action FR.pdf (219K) Download Attachment Katimavik Facts - Final - EN.pdf (88K) Download Attachment Katimavik Facts - Final - FR.pdf (88K) Download Attachment Summative Evaluation - Quotes.pdf (88K) Download Attachment Evaluation sommative - Extrait.pdf (87K) Download Attachment |
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